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全球资讯:7 Papers & Radios | LeCun世界模型首次尝试;Meta开源文本音乐生成模型
2023-06-19 16:25:52    个人图书馆-天承办公室


1. A Comprehensive Survey on Applications of Transformers for Deep Learning Tasks. (from Witold Pedrycz)2. Inductive Linear Probing for Few-shot Node Classification. (from Huan Liu)3. Virtual Node Tuning for Few-shot Node Classification. (from Huan Liu)4. Understanding How Consistency Works in Federated Learning via Stage-wise Relaxed Initialization. (from Dacheng Tao)5. Extending Kernel PCA through Dualization: Sparsity, Robustness and Fast Algorithms. (from Johan A. K. Suykens)6. Variational Positive-incentive Noise: How Noise Benefits Models. (from Xuelong Li)7. Privacy Preserving Bayesian Federated Learning in Heterogeneous Settings. (from Joydeep Ghosh)8. One-for-All: Generalized LoRA for Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning. (from Eric Xing)9. Identification of Nonlinear Latent Hierarchical Models. (from Eric Xing)10. Composing Efficient, Robust Tests for Policy Selection. (from Peter Stone)

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